Organization: Asset Africa Institute
Registration deadline: 09 May 2016
Starting date: 24 May 2016
Ending date: 27 May 2016
Dear Partner,
Asset Africa Institute, (, is pleased to announce the following workshop set to take place in May, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.
Workshop Title: The Most Significant Change (MSC) approach to project Monitoring and evaluation
Date: 24th -27th May 2016
Venue: Nairobi Kenya
Duration: 4 Full Days
The most significant change (MSC) technique is a form of participatory monitoring and evaluation. It is participatory because many project stakeholders are involved both in deciding the sorts of change to be recorded and in analyzing the data. It is a form of monitoring because it occurs throughout the program cycle and provides information to help people manage the program. It contributes to evaluation because it provides data on impact and outcomes that can be used to help assess the performance of the program as a whole.
It will be appreciated that most Development Organizations in the World have for years been committed to bring about change in the lives of communities through voluntary implemented or funded programs. These changes, though significant in the lives of the targeted individuals and communities, have been majorly documented through orthodox M&E Methods; the methods that have not fully captured the stories of change, thus the need for capacity building organization staff on the Most significant Change Approach to capturing and documenting the Stories of Change.
Essentially, the process involves the collection of significant change (SC) stories emanating from the field level, and the systematic selection of the most significant of these stories by panels of designated stakeholders or staff. The designated staff and stakeholders are initially involved by ‘searching’ for project impact. Once changes have been captured, various people sit down together, read the stories aloud and have regular and often in-depth discussions about the value of these reported changes. When the technique is implemented successfully, whole teams of people begin to focus their attention on program impact.
Course Objectives
By the end of the MSC Approach course, participants will:
• Be familiar with the theory, purpose and different uses of MSC
• Know how to implement a comprehensive MSC process
• Have developed an MSC system for their program or organization
• Understand how to use MSC as a monitoring tool, for evaluative purposes and to promote organizational learning
Course Content
• Overview & History of MSC
• Ten Steps to Implementing MSC
• Building Capability for Effective MSC
• MSC within a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework
• Validity and Voice in MSC
• How MSC Compares to Other Approaches and Epistemologies
• New Directions for MSC
MSC Workshop Methodology
This workshop style course will begin by providing participants with an understanding of MSC’s theoretical foundations, key elements and possible applications. Participants will then be mentored through the development of a real life MSC process using a staged approach to the scoping, planning and implementation on the technique. Each stage will involve the introduction of key concepts and considerations, an illustrative learning activity and an opportunity for the group to workshop appropriate strategies for applying the process to their own working contexts
Training Schedule
Day 1:
• Overview & History of MSC
• Ten Steps to Implementing MSC
• Building Capability for Effective MSC and Group Assignment
Day 2
• MSC within a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework
• Validity and Voice in MSC
• How MSC Compares to Other Approaches and Epistemologies
• New Directions for MSC
• Course Work: Designing Domains and Story Collections Questions
Day 3:
• Field Work-Story Collection Processes-“Participants will visit identified project sites within Nairobi City”
Day 4:
• Editing and Selection of Stories
About the Organization
Asset Africa Institute ( is a top training brand based in Kenya which specializes in the research, design and delivery of high quality and affordable training programs for development workers worldwide. We work with a consultant base of more than 120 highly educated and experienced professionals many of whom are involved in post doctoral research work. Over the years, Consultants at AAI have been sought by such reputable organizations as: Federal University, Birnin Kebbi-Nigeria, African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD),Norwegian Church Aid-Zambia, ACOMIN-Nigeria, Tear Fund-DRC, CLEEN Organization-Nigeria, Love Botswana Outreach Mission, Islamic Relief-Somalia, National Museums of Kenya, Cornerstone Development-Uganda, International Organization for Immigration (South Sudan), Save Your Generation (SYG)-Ethiopia, Africa Rice Center (Africa Rice)-Benin, Rwanda Union of the Blind, Sasakawa Africa Association-Ethiopia, Harare Institute of Technology, among others.
For more information regarding the training, contact:
Lillian Ateng’
Training Coordinator
Asset Africa Institute
Trust Mansion Hse, Tubman Road off Koinange Street
P.O. Box 12903 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 -722 469454/720986965
Email: /
How to register:
To enroll for this seminar, fill in the registration form attached and then email it to the attention of:
Lillian Ateng’
Training Coordinator
Asset Africa Institute
Trust Mansion Hse, Tubman Road off Koinange Street
P.O. Box 12903 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 -722 469454/720986965
Email: /